Privacy Policy

CouponFlick Policy: provides complete security to the confidentiality for its users. This privacy policy explain the session between user and site. It also explain that how your personal information is use and save from unauthorized person. You are directed to go through our privacy policy to completely understand Terms and Conditions.

Personal Identification Details: We may collect personal identification information through different means when user starts its session on our site whenever signup for latest promotion deals and offers we ask to enter email address password. This information is highly confidential and safe from private server. We are more concern about privacy of our end users. Your interests are also safe and we provide you offer according to your interests.

Children Privacy Policy: Our site have products also related to Children but its highly recommended that children use them under parents guidance. Those children’s who are under 12 is highly prohibited but allowed only with parental guidance.

Cookies: CouponFlick provides you to use cookies on any device for better usages whenever you use it notify you according to your desire.CouponFlick also provide you with double-click cookies to make it more usable for non personal identifiable information via a Google Analytics, such as demographics and interest reporting. You can report here to avoid interest reporting.

Third Party Advertising Cookies: Some website partners may also use your device cookies to provide you a interactive interface and giving you the products according to your needs and interests. These cookies may be saved by websites so whenever you visit the site you are provided with the best products according to your interests.

General Information: On our site we provide you different links to stores whose product we publish. So its your duty to be careful while visiting the respective site and avoid to give personal information if that site is not genuine if by mistake you provide your personal detail and it become public so we don’t have any control over them so its highly recommended to read privacy policy terms and conditions before you deliver your personal details.

Contact Information: if you have any ambiguity regarding our privacy policy or any view which is not mentioned you can just leave a message at you can use our chat option provided in our website. Our team members are always there to help you out.